Our friend, Ken Lewis, who takes part in a sitting group in the Spencer, W.Va., area sent out this instructive photo.
CATEGORY: Buddhist Humor.
CUTLINE: “The Buddhist Protester.”
The Buddhist Meditation Circle of Charleston, W.Va., meets weekly with a 30-minute meditation starting promptly 6 p.m. each Tuesday, at the Unitarian Universalist fellowship building, 520 Kanawha Blvd., in Charleston, W.Va. We do both silent and guided meditations. Beginners and those wishing to sit longer are encouraged to come by 5:45 p.m. for basic meditation suggestions, tips and quiet time. Subscribe to the group’s website and find more information here: themeditationcircle.com/about. You don’t need to be a card-carrying Buddhist to experience the benefits of meditation. Through discussion and listening to taped talks by Buddhist teachers we explore how meditation fits into the larger scope of the Buddha’s teachings.