Starting off the new year year mindfully

Photo from The Wheel of Dharma blog

Welcome to 2010. During the course of this year, The Meditation Circle will be getting back to the basics of meditation practice in the Buddhist insight or vipassana tradition. We have begun reading excerpts from Bhante Gunaratana’s classic guide to meditation practice, “Mindfulness in Plain English” and will also be introducing some tapes by Ajahn Sumato at future gatherings of the circle. But for the first meeting of each month, circle member Robin Wilson suggested we also encourage an ongoing discussion about putting into practice in our daily lives compassion and understanding gleaned from spiritual practice. Robin offers the following as the seed for this Tuesday’s discussion:

“We agreed to focus our discussion on the first Tuesday of the month on ways of implementing the oneness we feel.  This is not a call to any particular kind of action but more an effort to encourage each other to act as each feels drawn to respond to suffering. For starters, next Tuesday I would encourage you to think about the three biggest manifestations of suffering you see and three general areas your are drawn to alleviate suffering.  We might start by painting the picture of suffering and what actions might fit for each of us — it seems a good place to start before trying to figure out the specifics of how to respond.”

We also encourage circle members to continue their reading of the first chapter of “Mindfulness in Plain English.” We wish for you a mindful and rich new year ahead.

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2 Responses to Starting off the new year year mindfully

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  2. Picreel says:

    Of course, what you meditate on is the very meat of this subject. And if you meditate on something useful and actually apply it to your own life, only then can you say meditation is beneficial.

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