Bhikku Piyadhammo, a monk friend who resided recently at the Bhavana Society, told me about a rich collection of Buddhist-themed videos that he maintains on a YouTube channel called “Dhammatube.” The channel, which features pithy short videos on useful topics to anyone interested in Buddhist practice, has a series of short interviews with a thoroughly charming young monk named Tan Dtoon. I like what a commentator to the video above said about him:
I like Tan Dtoon because he doesn’t seem lofty and rehearsed. There’s wisdom in his honesty and spontaneity…..even if he’s searching for the answer himself. There’s something about knowing yourself without putting on an act. I find that more impressive then pretending you have authority.
In this video, the monk talks about what Ajahn Chah and other monks have had to say about trying too hard in meditation, always a good topic to consider for anyone who has ever tried to keep a regular meditation practice going. We’ll be e-posting more Dhammatube videos.