Welcome to the Meditation Circle site. This longtime Buddhist-oriented meditation group based at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 520 Kanawha Boulevard W., in Charleston, West Virginia, will be closing down its meetings for good effective with the end of June 2022, after a good run. See the ‘RESOURCES’ page for tips on setting up or deepening meditation practice. Be well!
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Category Archives: Quotes
A useful resource for learning more about the Buddha’s Teachings
If you’d like to study the original teachings of the Buddha, check out the Pali Canon Online website
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Every waking moment
“As the present moment can be found any moment, every waking moment can be made a concentrated moment.” ~ Bhante Henepola Gunaratana, “Sitting Still”
What does practicing in the right way feel like?
Q: Different things work for different people. What would indicate we’re practicing in the right way? Sayadaw U Tejaniya: “When there is awareness, mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom; when we feel light, alert, and awake. Over time, you find you’re discovering … Continue reading
Right Speech takes practice
“Saying things you shouldn’t say or speaking much more than is necessary brings a lot of agitation to the mind. The other extreme, complete silence, or not speaking up when it is useful or necessary, is also problematic. Applying right … Continue reading
When afflictions are enlightenment
Obviously When you find peace and quiet in the midst of busyness and clamor,then towns and cities become mountain forests; afflictions are enlightenment, sentient beings realize true awakening. These sayings can be uttered and understood by all beginners, who construe … Continue reading
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Coming back to the moment in the body
“Many people forget their own body. They live in an imaginary world. They have so many plans and fears, so many agitations and dreams, and they don’t live in their body. While we’re caught in fear and trying to plan … Continue reading
What is invisible to humans
If you have developed great capacity and cutting insight, you can undertake Zen right where you are. Without getting it from another, you understand it on your own. The penetrating spiritual light and vast open tranquility have never been interrupted … Continue reading
The dharma can’t fit in with our life
“Now we have the attitude of, ‘Well, how does the dharma fit in with my life?’ The dharma can’t fit in with our life. The dharma is our life, and it’s not about convenience.” ~ Natalie Goldberg from “Face-to-Face with … Continue reading
Not because the Buddha Said So
“When you admit to yourself, ‘I must make this change to be more happy’—not because the Buddha said so, but because your heart recognized a deep truth—you must devote all your energy to making the change. You need strong determination … Continue reading
When pain happens to us, how do we react?
Serendipity landed two e-mails from very different sources in my e-mail box this morning, but addressing the exact same subject: dealing with the challenge of pain. As you can see from the quotes, the ‘pain’ referred to is not just … Continue reading
Awareness itself is our primary human currency
“Awareness itself is the primary currency of the human condition, and as such it deserves to be spent carefully. Sitting quietly in a serene environment, letting go of the various petty disturbances that roil and diminish consciousness, and experiencing as … Continue reading
Don’t feel disturbed by the thinking mind
Sayadaw U Tejaniya gives essential tips for observing the moment in mindfulness meditation From BEFORE WE START practicing mindfulness meditation, we must know how to practice. We need to have the right information and a clear understanding of the … Continue reading
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Handling Thoughts With Care
“People are often careless about the thoughts they give rise to, assuming that once they forget about a thought, that thought is finished. This is not true. Once you give rise to a thought, it keeps functioning, and eventually its … Continue reading
When the Eight Worldy Winds blow
“Equanimity is a protection from what are called the Eight Worldly Winds: praise and blame, success and failure, pleasure and pain, fame and disrepute. Becoming attached to or excessively elated with success, praise, fame, or pleasure can be a setup … Continue reading
Three phrases worth recalling
‘No matter what comes up, we can learn new ways of being with it.’ ‘We have a capacity to meet any thought or emotion with mindfulness and balance.’ ‘Whatever disagreeable emotion is coursing through us, we can let it go.’ … Continue reading