What is Perception?

Hoeft Marsh, Greenbottom, WV


For the Buddha, perception is pure and simple. When the eyes see a visual object they do so without embellishment. As the Buddha explained to his monks on the Connected Discourses:

And why Bhikkhus, do you call it perception? It perceives, bhikkhus, therefore,  it is called perception. And what does it perceive? It perceives blue, it perceives yellow, it perceives red, it perceives white. It perceives, bhikkhus; therefore it is called perception.

(tr.Bhikkhu Bodhi)

Gunaratana, Henepola, ( forward by Bhikkhu Bodhi.)  Meditation on Perception: Ten Healing Practices to Cultivate Mindfulness. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2014. Print.


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