Author Archives: admin

Four Dictates

“I follow four dictates: face it, accept it, deal with it, let it go.” ~ Chan Master Sheng Yen

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Time Is Life

“Many people cannot allow themselves the time to sit and do nothing but breathe. They consider it uneconomical or a luxury. People say ‘time is money.’ But time is much more than money. Time is life. The simple practice of … Continue reading

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Spring Awakening

Few people see the acacia blossoms fall,Night is quiet, the spring mountain empty.The sudden moon alarms mountain birds.Long moment of song in the spring ravine. ~ Wang Wei (699-759)

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The Art of Joy Riding

Drive safely.

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ZOOMING & YouTubing with Bhante G

UPDATE: Bhante Gunaratana will resume his hour-long ZOOM guided meditations and Dhamma talks from 10 to 11 a.m. on most Saturdays and Sundays starting Saturday, March 19, 2022. We do hope you continue keeping up with your meditation and mindfulness … Continue reading

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The Real Work

NOTE 2 SELF: ‘You still in bed?!’ (Quote by C.S. Lewis from a letter to Arthur Greeves).

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Not Mine

“Maranenapi tam pahiyatiyam puriso mamidanti mannati.Etampi viditva pandito,na mamattayanametha mamako. “At death, a person abandonswhat one construes as mine.Realizing this, the wiseshouldn’t inclineto be devoted to mine.” ~ The Buddha from the Sutta Nipata, 4:812(translated from the Pali by Thanissaro … Continue reading

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Done and Not Done

“Do not look at the faults of others,or what others have done or not done;observe what you yourself have doneand have not done.” ~ The BuddhaDhammapada, Chapter 4: 50 “Flowers.”

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A Musical Meditation

As lovely as lovely gets. The resident community at Plum Village, founded by Thich Nhat Hanh in Plum Village, France, just released this stirring recording of the Namo’valokiteshvaraya chant of compassion (recorded in autumn 2020), in honor of the passing … Continue reading

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THICH NHAT HANH No. 1: ‘In the Hills of West Virginia’

NOTE: This article originally appeared in the Jan. 24, 2022 issue of By Douglas John Imbrogno | In the old photograph, Thich Nhat Hanh gazes kindly in the direction of the camera. In the foreground, the back of … Continue reading

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THICH NHAT HANH, Part 2: ‘Call Me By My True Names’

By Thich Nhat Hanh Do not say that I’ll depart tomorrowbecause even today I still arrive. Look deeply: I arrive in every secondto be a bud on a spring branch,to be a tiny bird, with wings still fragile,learning to sing … Continue reading

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THICH NHAT HANH, PART 3: ‘When the Buddha Lived in Hell’

Below is an excerpt from a talk given by Thich Nhat Hanh at Plum Village in France on August 6, 1998: A Dharma Talk by Thich Nhat Hanh TODAY I WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK A LITTLE BIT about Heaven, or … Continue reading

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DhammA for kids

Meditation Circle members are invited to check out Bhante Gunaratana’s YouTube videos where he teaches the Mangala Sutta to young children. There is also a live Zoom session available if member’s children would wish to join. From the Bhavana Society … Continue reading

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A Matter for Every Day

Do not be concerned with who iswise and who is stupid.Do not discriminate thesharp from the dull.To practice whole-heartedlyis the true endeavor of the way.Practice-realization is notdefiled with specialness;it is a matter for every day. – Dogen (1200-1253)(quote courtesy

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The Present Unfolding

When one lives vitallyIn the present momentWithout being pressuredToward the past or future,One lives as the present itself.One actually becomesThe present unfolding.No other place is so vast and broad… – Ji Aoi Isshi | Quote courtesy

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